Based on What Criteria Are Korean Universities Classified?

When you hear about TOP 1 universities, you immediately think that these are the best elite Korean universities, or when you hear about TOP 3 schools, you think that these are not good schools, right? But in reality it is not like that. Next, let's study abroad at Kim's to learn about the concept of each type of school and list the schools of each type!

Every year, the Department of Justice will rely on the school's admission applications submitted to the department to review applications and classify schools, so this list will be updated annually. It was announced in February and will apply starting from the June, September, December and March flight periods of next year. The Department has a lot of spending decisions to make on this arrangement, but it will be based on two main factors

  1. Percentage of illegal international students
  2. Ability to manage and care for international students

Therefore, elite schools, also known as Korean Universities TOP 1% (TOP 1) means schools with illegal international students under 1%. This means that school classification does not affect the quality of training and reputation of the school.

For example, Seoul National University is always the leading school in terms of training quality and reputation in Korea. However, in terms of the Department of Justice's List, the school is almost always in the TOP 2.

Depending on which group the school belongs to, the form of student visa issuance will be different.

To learn about the types of student visas, please refer here:

The following is a list of schools classified by group.

Korean Universities in TOP 1%:

  1. Seokyeong University
  2. Hongik University
  3. Sungshin Women's University
  4. Kookmin University
  5. Hanyang University
  6. Konkuk University
  7. Seoul Sirip University
  8. Ulsan National University of Science and Technology
  9. Korea University
*Post-graduate system
  1. Kepco International Nuclear Graduate School
  2. UST Korea University of Science and Technology
  3. 3. NCC GCSP Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy
  4. 4. KDI Korean School of Management and Public Policy

Korean Universities in TOP 2:

*Specialization System:

Applicable to those who want to major in college, university and graduate school at schools announced in 2023

  1. Gachon University
  2. Catholic University
  3. Gangneung-Wonju National University
  4. Kangwon National University
  5. Konkuk University
  6. Konyang University
  7. Kyungnam University
  8. Kyungpook National University
  9. Kyungsung University
  10. Kyungil University
  11. Kyunghee University
  12. Keimyung University
  13. Korea University
  14. Korea University (Sejong)
  15. Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
  16. Gwangju University
  17. Kwangwoon University
  18. Kookmin University
  19. Kunsan University
  20. Gimcheon University
  21. Nazareth University
  22. Namseoul University
  23. Dankook University
  24. Daegu Haany University
  25. Daejeon University
  26. Duksung Women's University
  27. Dongguk University
  28. Dongseo University
  29. Dongshin University
  30. Donga University
  31. Myongji University
  32. Mokwon University
  33. Paichai University
  34. Baekseok University
  35. Pukyong National University
  36. Busan National University
  37. Busan University of Foreign Studies
  38. Sogang University
  39. Seokyeong University
  40. Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
  41. Seoul National University
  42. Seoul University of Theology, Korea
  43. Seoul Women's University
  44. Sunmoon University
  45. Sungkyunkwan University
  46. Sungshin Women's University
  47. Semyung University
  48. Sejong University
  49. Sehan University
  50. Sookmyung Women's University
  51. Soonchunhyang University
  52. Soongsil University
  53. Silla University
  54. Shinhan University
  55. Ajou University
  56. Andong University
  57. Yonsei University, Yonsei University (Mirae)
  58. Woosuk University
  59. Woosong University
  60. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology UNIST
  61. University of Ulsan
  62. Ewha Womans University
  63. Inje University
  64. Incheon University
  65. Inha University
  66. Chonnam National University
  67. Chonbuk National University
  68. Jeju National University
  69. Joongbu University
  70. Chung-Ang University
  71. Changwon University
  72. Cheongju University
  73. Chungnam National University
  74. Chungbuk National University
  75. Pohang University of Science and Technology
  76. Hankyung University University
  77. Korea University of Technology
  78. Korea Institute of Science and Technology
  79. Korea National University of Education
  80. Korea University of Technology and Education
  81. Hanbuk University of Foreign Studies
  82. Korea Aerospace University
  83. Korea Maritime and Ocean University
  84. Hannam University
  85. Handong International University
  86. Hallym University
  87. Hanseo University
  88. Hansung University
  89. Hansei University
  90. Hanyang University, Hanyang University (ERICA)
  91. Honam University
  92. Hoseo University
  93. Howon University
  94. Hongik University
  1. Geoje University
  2. Gyeonggi University of Science and Technology, Korea
  3. Gyeongbok University
  4. Gumi University
  5. Youngjin College
  6. Inha Technical College
  7. Jeonju Vision University
High school:
  1. University of Science and Technology
  2. Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy NCC GCSP
  3. International English Graduate School
  4. Dongbang Culture Graduate School
  5. Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
  6. Seoul Institute of Communication and Technology
  7. Seoul University of Foreign Studies, Korea
  8. Sunhak Universal Peace Graduate School
  9. Yemyung Graduate University
  10. Onseok Graduate University
  11. Korea Development Institute Graduate School of International Policy Studies
  12. Korea Electric Power International Graduate School of Nuclear Energy
  13. Institute of Korean Studies
  14. Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology
*Language Learning System:

List for those who want to register for language study programs at Korea University

  1. Gachon University
  2. Catholic University
  3. Gangneung Wonju National University
  4. Kangwon National University
  5. Konyang University
  6. Kyungnam University
  7. Kyungpook National University
  8. Kyungil University (Gyeongsan)
  9. Kyunghee University
  10. Keimyung University
  11. Korea University (Sejong)
  12. Gwangju University
  13. Kwangwoon University
  14. Kookmin University
  15. Gimcheon University
  16. Nazarene University
  17. Dankook University – Dankook University
  18. Daejeon University – Daejeon University
  19. Dongguk University – Dongguk University
  20. Dongseo University – Dongseo University
  21. DongA University
  22. Myongji University
  23. Mokwon University
  24. Pai Chai University
  25. Sungkyungkwan University
  26. ChungAng University
  27. Cheongju University – Cheongju University
  28. Chungbuk National University – Chungbuk National University
  29. Ajou University – Ajou University
  30. Inha University
  31. Chonnam University
  32. Jeju National University
  33. Semyung University
  34. Sejong University
  35. Sookmyung Women's University
  36. Soongsil University
  37. Silla University
  38. Shinhan University
  39. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  40. Korea Maritime And Ocean University
  41. Hannam University
  42. Hanseo University
  43. Hansung University
  44. Hanyang University (Seoul)
  45. Honam University
  46. Hoseo University
  47. Howon University
  48. Gyeonggi University of Science and Technology
  49. Kyungbok University
  50. Pukyong National University
  51. Pusan National University
  52. Busan University of Foreign Studies
  53. Sogang University
  54. Seoul National University of Science and Technology
  55. Seoul National University
  56. Sunmoon University
  57. Sunhak UP Graduate University
  58. Changwon National University – Changwon National University
  59. Chungnam National University – Chungnam National University
  60. Hankyong National University
  61. Yonsei University
  62. Yonsei University (Mirae)
  63. Chonbuk National University

Korean Universities restrict Visa issuance 2023

Restricted schools are schools that do not meet certain evaluation criteria and have a number of illegal international students that exceeds the limit set by the Ministry of Justice.

*Language school system (15 schools)
  1. Daegu University of Technology
  2. Daejin University
  3. Munkyung College
  4. Sangmyung University
  5. Uiduk University
  6. Handong International University
  7. Dongwon College Korea
  8. Jeonju University
  9. Hanyang Women's University
  10. Gumi University
  11. Daegu Medical College
  12. Dong Ah Academy of Media and Arts
  13. aSSIST (Seoul Business School at aSSIST University)
  14. Soonchunhyang University
  15. Inha Technical College

Above is a list of Korean Universities divided into TOP for you to refer to and make the right choice! If you still have questions about choosing a school and information about each school, please contact us Kimsedu now!

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